Zebra Wood

Zebra Wood


Quick Facts:

Common Name’s

Zebrawood, Zebrano

Scientific Name

Microberlinia brazzavillensis

Tree size in length

65-130 feet/ 20-40meter

Tree size in diameter

4-5 feet/120-150 cm

Average dried weight

50 lbs per cubic ft/ 805 kg per cubic meter

Shrinkage radial


Shrinkage tangential


Shrinkage volumetric



Has a characteristic, unpleasant smell when being worked.


This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices, and is reported by the IUCN as being a species of least concern.


General Info:

Heartwood is a light brown or cream color with dark blackish brown streaks vaguely resembling a zebra’s stripes. Depending on whether the wood is flatsawn or quartersawn, the stripes can be either chaotic and wavy (flatsawn), or somewhat uniform (quartersawn)



Has a fairly coarse texture and open pores. Grain is usually wavy or interlocked.



The wood saws well, but can be very difficult to plane or surface due to the prevalence of interlocking grain. Tear out is common. Zebrawood glues and finishes well, though a transparent pore filler may be necessary for the large open pores which occur on both dark and light surfaces.



Zebrawood is frequently quartersawn and used as veneer. Other uses include: tool handles, furniture, boatbuilding, and skis. Sometimes called Zebrano, the wood is strong and stiff, with a fairly high density. However, the wood is much more frequently used for its bold and unique striping.