Most toxic tree in the world

The most toxic Tree for humans is a native tropical tree, named Machineel, mostly found in tropical areas like Mexico, Bahamas and South America. The Machineel tree also called Beach Apple. The tree has a milky-white sap which contains numerous toxins and can cause blistering. The sap is present in every part of the tree: the bark, the leaves, and the fruit, all parts of the tree contain strong toxins. Its milky white sap contains phorbol and other skin irritants, producing strong allergic contact dermatitis. Standing beneath the tree during rain will cause blistering of the skin from mere contact with this liquid: even a small drop of rain with the milky substance in it will cause the skin to blister.  The sap can also cause blindness in case it gets in your eyes. The fruit is potentially fatal if eaten, Ingestion can produce severe gastroenteritis with bleeding, shock, and bacterial superinfection, as well as the potential for airway compromise due to edema.